The Path of Wisdom
You Can Have a Rewarding Life. Wisdom Shows the Way!
Whether you’re dealing with adversity, stress, failure, or simply desire to better yourself, master Wisdom’s way and garner strength in every hardship, composure with all people, and triumph in any endeavor.
The need (at times, desperate) for people and their families to find some degree of calm or triumph to their frenzied or troubled lives sends them searching for help. The Path of Wisdom is that help. You found this page for good reason.
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Publication Year: 2012
Genres: Christian Living, Inspirational and Devotional, Personal Growth and Self Help, Self-Help, Spiritual Growth
Innumerable forces are at work in our lives. Some we control; some we don’t. But each comes in its own season, and opens or blossoms—beautiful in its time.
The Path of Wisdom
Life Changing Practices in Important Areas
Everything starts with a first step. This book will help you make the step—into a new future!
Build Upon Friendship
Use the Power of Words
Be Rid of Anxiety
Grow In True Success
Improve Your Family
Possess True Wealth
Rewards like peace of mind, satisfaction, or self-respect cannot be placed on a scale or received in an ovation. They are ultimately more rewarding than possessions or social status; they are true rewards.
The Path of Wisdom
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* Special pricing, bonus content, additional book(s), and extras are available only through the author.
For specifics, click the link or see "Extras Explained" below.
Extras Explained
► Book: Quiet Talks on Personal Problems by S.D. Gordan. These talks are about some of the problems of life. They touch only personal problems, and only a few of them, but done in a powerful and helpful way.
► Book: The Majesty of Calmness by William George Jordan. Calmness is the crown of self-control, a peacefulness and restfulness at the depths of our nature. The calm person lives in serenity and strength, unruffled regardless the situation or temptation. Crown yourself with calmness.
► Book: A Commentary On Proverbs by Charles Bridges. In preparing to write this book, I read a lot of books on Proverbs. This is one of the best—easy to read, insightful, and full of great application.
► Article: The Power of a Paradigm. Wisdom directs us in our beliefs. Generally speaking, a person's beliefs set a course for life that result in either fulfillment or despondency. Where are your beliefs taking you?
► Article: Be Your Own Bank. Wisdom leads us into good financial choices. We've been conditioned to serve the interests of banks instead of our own financial well-being. This informative article will help you to bank like a bank for yourself.
► Manuscript: When Trained Physicians. Wisdom directs us in our relationships. Anyone who has struggled with the death of a loved one, especially when the relationship was strained, may find helpful this manuscript of my Father's eulogy.
Amazon Reviews
January 3, 2015
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Author John Hunt Must Have CIA Connections! How he discovered my problem areas is a mystery unless he is reading my email.
I am a very smart, know it all, the only thing missing from my life is Wisdom. This wonderful book striped away all my excuses.
And he doesn't waste time. The book is a series of little one page shots of wisdom for 100 situations from the Book of Proverbs.
I am cruising along pretty good until the fourth subject... #4. "Accept That You Don't Know Everything". This rattled my cage. But the next item was #5. "Seek Humility As A Position Of Strength". Who me? I am Humble! OK I have a lot more to learn. You get the picture? My friends will laugh at this review as this book was written for me. #23. "There Is More To Listening Than Hearing". What?. #30. "Do Not Make Hasty Promises". I will not do that again. #42. "A Kind And Genuine Word Gets Results". How could have I forgotten this? #44. Be Slow To Speak Your Opinion", I think this must be wrong. #95. Not Everything Is About You... Really". These are almost random choices as almost every other item was the wisdom I needed.
This book can be used in so many different ways.
1. A great and thoughtful read.
2. A daily guide book. Perfect to open the day to set you on the wisdom track.
3. A reference guide book. When you discover a problem area in your life I'll bet this book will provide a solution.
Is this a religious work? Yes and no. Yes it certainly is the wisdom from the Proverbs of Solomon. No, the material is written in a manner that anyone, of any belief, can gain useful wisdom from this work. Buy a copy for a friend or use the Amazon Free loan program.
Highly recommended.
14 people found this helpful
If only all people would read this book and take it to heart! It could change the world.
December 18, 2014
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Each section also ends with a couple of questions the reader can think about to further understand the message being imparted and to apply it to their circumstances. There are also links throughout the book to other books that focus more thoroughly on specific issues.
I found myself agreeing with most everything I read and thinking about ways to improve myself. Seeing areas where I feel I am lacking in wisdom and can certainly improve in my life. I enjoyed reading this book very much.
3 people found this helpful
May 12, 2015
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The thing I like about this book is that it has lots of pithy one-liners that mirrors the style of the book of Proverbs itself. Here are some examples:
By the pursuit of a good name, he can make his years meaningful and add to them something more valuable and lasting than the material.
Before anyone can learn the path of wisdom, he has to admit he doesn’t know everything.
Most people see pride for what it is: a futile attempt to compensate for insecurities and self-doubt.
Pride demands honor while bringing dishonor. This makes pride the true position of weakness.
A person can also develop self-control when he becomes mindful instead of emotional. In the moment, in the heat of passion, at the point of gratification, he chooses mindfulness. Mindfulness does not charge ahead without thought or reflection; it stops to think. A small but continued price made each day to weigh the consequences or options fosters a habit of making mindful decisions.
Making peace refers to the establishment of positive relationships with people and is a costly, sometimes painful, enterprise.
An impoverished person is not one who has little, but the one who never thinks she has enough.
A wealthy person is not the one who has much, but the one who sees just how much she really has—even what is bitter tastes sweet.
If we would like to be well-off, then instead of wanting more, all we need do is appreciate what we already have.
When we want what we have, then we are truly wealthy.
Any time you feel badly take notice of your thoughts. If they are obsessive or negative, boil them down to one main thought. Write it down and make a list of positive thoughts and actions to answer and counter your pessimistic cognition.
Giving is an act that refreshes and blesses both the giver and receiver.
You can’t change others, but you can change yourself.
What will any of this matter a year from now? Not a bit. In the grand scheme, in light of eternity, many problems simply do not matter.
May 12, 2015
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This is the second book I have read by this great author John Hunt, his other book "Feel Good For Good" is great, but this one, The Path Of Wisdom", is very different than so many books out there that talks about wisdom to make your life better than what it is now. Each chapter starts with a Proverb from the Old Testament, and each proverb focus on how to live your life with wisdom. At the end of each chapter, John Hunt shows the path of wisdom which is a few questions so you can understand better about the message the chapter has given. This book is a great avenue to improve yourself in so many ways. The Path Of Wisdom is phenomenal, and it is not intended to be read and left on the shelf, it must be digested little by little allowing the reader time to reflect on the art of life. I totally recommend his book, each chapter is worth reading.
One person found this helpful
copied the page content (or copied the html--can't remember) and pasted into frontpage page then in frontpage went to preview and copied that. Pasted it into visual editor in siteorgin editor