The Incarnation of Wisdom

As you probably already know, Easter is a very important day in the history of Christianity. It recalls the death and resurrection of the founder of the faith—Jesus, the Christ. Easter is an opportune time to ponder this incredible person and to ask, for those who wonder, who is this man?

Jesus saw himself not only as a teacher of wisdom, as one who knew and spoke the mind of God, but as someone who fully embodied wisdom's principles and rewards... the wisdom of God wrapped up in person.
—Who is Jesus: The Incarnation of Wisdom

The wisdom literature of the Hebrews played an important role in the lives of the Israelites. It encouraged them to enjoy life, including feasting, friendship, and pleasure.

It may come as surprise to some, but Jesus personified the enjoyment of life. He embraced wisdom’s wondrous approach to living. Which leads us to ask, what connection did Jesus have to wisdom and its teachers? If we can answer this, we may begin to discover more about the man and address: Who is Jesus?

Any book that makes you pause to think is worth reading, and the author did just that with this short but powerful little book.

Joe Corso
Award Winning Author

Jesus spoke repeatedly of the least being the greatest, the last being the first, and the lost being saved. Jesus set out on the path of wisdom—making right the wrongs. Jesus invites people, you and me, to follow him in his upheaval of the foolish ways of the fallen world. In other words, he invites us to join him in bringing restoration to this world of chaos, death, loss, and suffering.

To anyone who joins this man of wisdom and transformation, he promises them fullness of life. The wisdom of Jesus entreats us to take pleasure in our days, and this is one command most people won’t have a problem following. He gives joy and rest, purpose and prosperity, pleasure and peace—the fruits of wisdom. Those who follow him live heartily and change the world.

Does this sound like a man worth knowing? Does this sound like a life worth pursuing?

Who is Jesus? He is the personification (dare I say, incarnation) of everything taught and practiced in the wisdom of the Hebrews. Find out more about this person of wisdom’s ways. Check out the book, and meet the Incarnation of Wisdom.

This post is based on the book, "Who is Jesus," which invites the reader to take a fresh look at Jesus and to understand him in light of a prevalent tradition at the time of Christ's life—the wisdom tradition. What connection did Jesus have to wisdom and its teachers? If we can answer this, we may begin to discover more about the man and address who he is? If you found this post helpful, feel free to share using the "share" buttons below.

Meet the Incarnation of Wisdom

Jesus saw himself as one who fully embodied wisdom’s principles and rewards —the wisdom of God wrapped up in a person. The wisdom of Jesus entreats us to take pleasure in our days. Those who follow him live heartily, and… they change the world.

Does this sound like a man worth knowing? Does this sound like a life worth pursuing? Find out more in, "Who is Jesus?"

John Hunt

John Hunt is an author, teacher, movie buff, and Citizen of the Kingdom. He firmly believes that God’s reign can transform your life and destiny, not in the “bye and bye,” but here and now.
See John’s Books or Posts here or there.


1 Comment

  1. Sam
    April 14, 2020

    Hi, very nice, thanks!

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