Is Your Life Chaotic, Difficult, or Miserable?

Perhaps you've wondered: How did my life get to be so difficult, chaotic, or miserable? If you're asking yourself this question now or have asked it at sometime in the past, you are not alone. At different times in my life, I have asked myself the same question. More than once, I have wrestled with life's adversities. And if you’re anything like me, you can probably relate to one or both of the following scenarios:

When it comes to the problems and issues in life, whether dealing with criticism, meager finances, or some other adversity, we tend to make poor choices, and do so repeatedly—only compounding the problem.


When it comes to the difficulties and inconsistencies of life, whether dealing with disagreements, marriage problems, or some other relationship, we react based upon destructive patterns from the past, and do so repeatedly—only making matters worse.

Repeating poor choices or destructive patterns might be the norm for most of us, but it doesn't have to be this way. So how are we going to make the change? Available to any person is an incredible source of strength and peace that can radically transform your life, but few will ever know it.

What is this source? It is called... "The Path."

You might say we are consistently confronted with a choice, a “fork in the road,” where the way deviates. One direction takes us down a path that leads to life and the other path leads to… well, a darker destination.

I am so grateful for having the opportunity to read John’s book. His beautiful writing hooked me from the start and touched my heart. His book celebrates prayer and offers countless insightful reflections on the topic. It merges psychological insight with a wealth of philosophical, historical, and spiritual reflections, giving readers a deep appreciation for this beautiful topic.

Bozena Zawisz
Author, Liberating Inner Eve

The answer to a more satisfying life is simple in theory, but it is considerably more difficult in practice. The answer is to take the right path, “The Path.”

Now you can discover what "The Path" is, and how you can follow it to a better destination for your life... one that is richer, more romantic, and more fulfilling. Join me as we choose the better path, the way to a better life.

Our starting point, the trail head, begins in ancient Mesopotamia. The sages of this region wrote what is known as wisdom literature. The Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, and Hebrews each had their own wise men and women, but we will focus our attention on the writings of the Hebrews. We will look at what these ancients said to see what will help us live well today.

Blessed is the person who chooses wisdom. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire compares with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. All her ways are pleasant, and all her paths are peaceful.
—King Solomon, Wisdom Teacher

The themes of life and death in these writings refer to the human quest for satisfaction. For eons people have tried to find "it" by extending their days or multiplying their wealth, but the word life, according to these sages, encompasses the fullness of life, its intensity and quality.

This “tree of life” sustains, delights, and blesses; those who eat from it find life worth living no matter the circumstances they face.

You'll find this better life in the book, "The Path of Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Extraordinary Living." You'll discover and master simple but powerful methods that will allow you to control and direct your most precious asset... your life.

Questions for thought:

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

  • Do you relate to one or both of the scenarios given at the beginning of the post?
  • Is there anything wrong in finding satisfaction in “extending your days or multiplying their wealth”?
  • What does the post say about the options and benefits of “The Path”?

This post is from the book, “The Path of Wisdom." With this inspirational and motivational self-help book, you will get more out of life… not in just one aspect of your life but in all areas. “The Path of Wisdom” consists of 100 entries of roughly 400 to 450 words per entry, great for easy reading, personal reflection, or group study. If you found this post helpful, feel free to share using the “share” buttons below.


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Life Changing Practices in Important Areas

You can generate and possess a constructive approach and positive well-being that supports amidst trials, strengthens in responsibility, and enlivens during refreshment. The Path of Wisdom offers true wealth and real peace in a number of significant areas:

character ♦ charity ♦ finances ♦ influence ♦ peace ♦ pleasure ♦ satisfaction ♦ spirituality ♦ self-acceptance ♦ and more

John Hunt

John Hunt is an author, teacher, movie buff, and Citizen of the Kingdom. He firmly believes that God’s reign can transform your life and destiny, not in the “bye and bye,” but here and now.
See John’s Books or Posts here or there.


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